Gallery 839 is a nonprofit gallery featuring art by members of the Animation Guild, IATSE, Local 839. Artists on exhibit are tried-and-true in their fields of animation and visual art, offering a unique merging of the Union and fine art worlds.

At this small gem in Burbank, the artwork is diverse and eclectic. The Animation Guild’s first gallery opened in 1962, and its current Gallery 839 launched in 2010. Over the years exhibitions have included media such as pottery, ceramics, bronze, poly resin, paint, pencil, glasswork ,and more.

The gallery is home to individual and group shows, and artists receive 90% of the commission from their sales. Better yet, the work is affordable. At monthly openings, the public can enjoy art and refreshments while mingling with the artists behind today’s popular movies and TV shows, as well as animation industry legends.